Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Janie Beth's Birth Story

Tuesday, July 21st, we were admitted into the hospital at 4:30pm to start the induction process. Needless to say I was very worried that an induction might not be a good idea because of how long they can take, but I must say my body was ready and so was Janie Beth.

At 5:00pm I got my IV and answered a lot of questions and was put into a nice labor and delivery room and at 5:30pm Dr. Martin gave me my first dose of the cervix thinning medicine. Once things calmed down Ben and I ate, watched TV, and messed around on social media.

Some time around 12:15am I started getting tolerable contractions. I tried to let Ben sleep because I needed him to be extra rested but poor guy had to help me to the bathroom once an hour. Since I wasn't getting much sleep I asked for some pain meds to help me sleep through the contractions and my nurse gave me a Percocet and that knocked me out pretty quickly. But around 3:30 I woke up with pretty decent contractions and at 4:30am my nurse came in to check on me and I kindly asked for the epidural. Around 5:00am I got the epidural and I was able to rest.

At some point (don't remember the time but it was early in the morning) my nurse checked me and I was 3cm and very thinned and she started the pitocin and gave me my last round of cervix thinning meds and by this time our family started showing up. While dozing in and out my nurse would come in and check me and every time she checked me I would be a few more centimeters dilated and it was moving way quicker than I thought.

Around noon I started feeling a lot of pressure during each contraction and I was in some pain. We talked to the anesthesiologist about it and she decided to give me a little more diluted medicine in my drip and once she did that I still felt a little pressure but not with every contraction and the pain was VERY tolerable.

At 12:30pm my nurse checked me and I was at 10cm and Janie Beth was RIGHT THERE. So she called my doctor in and started setting everything up and I couldn't believe Janie Beth was about to be here with us! 

12:41pm- Started pushing

1:07pm- SHE WAS HERE! 6 pounds and 11 ounces of pure joy and 19 inches long!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Week 39 Bumpdate

I can't believe this is my LAST bumpdate! Some days it feels like I have been pregnant for 200 months, but some days I feel like it has flown by! It is so surreal that the next post will have pictures of Janie Beth and not just ultra sound pictures. Please keep us in your prayers as we take on this new chapter in our lives.
How far along? 39 weeks! 
Baby is the size of an: small watermelon (19-22 inches and 7 lbs)
Gender: Janie Elizabeth Weldon
Total weight gain: Up to 136 so 15 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Man, I can't wait to wear my normal clothes again. I am over these "cute" maternity clothes!
Stretch marks? We will soon find out!
Symptoms: All the aches and pains that comes with being 39 weeks pregnant. But it's almost over!!! I wonder if I will miss it??
Sleep: Great! Trying to enjoy my last few nights and get as much sleep as I can!
Miss Anything: I do, but I don't want to complain because now that I know it's almost over it kind of makes me sad!
Movement: Yes! It hurts- but I will miss the constant reminder that she is safe and healthy inside of me!
Food cravings: TEA!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: NONE. With that being said we are being induced Tuesday afternoon and hopefully have our sweet girl on Wednesday. My doctor is going out of town the week after my due date (Friday 7/24) and we really want him to deliver JB since he knows my medical history
Exercise: Been relaxing and enjoying these quiet times since our world is about to change!! 
Looking forward to: Having our girl in our arms VERY soon!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 4 days!!!!!!!!  

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Week 38 Bumpdate

38 weeks

25 weeks

*Just a little picture comparison!

How far along? 38 weeks (how much longer??)
Baby is the size of an: swiss chard?? (19-22 inches and 7 lbs)
Gender: Girl!
Total weight gain: 135-14 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Not yet, but we will see after JB is born.
Symptoms: belly grows every day it seems like, she has dropped a lot so I can't walk without a waddle or sit without being able to close my legs, getting up and down is a struggle, and it's hot and HOLY HEARTBURN!
Sleep: I have my good nights and my bad nights.
Someone is ready to meet his daughter!
  Miss Anything: Yes, you name it, I miss it!
Movement: Yes and it hurts! 
Food cravings: Sweet Tea
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: At our 37 week appointment I was ALMOST 2cm dilated and 25% effaced. 
Exercise: Just slow walks 2-3 days out of the week.
Looking forward to: getting these last 2 weeks over with!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 14 days (2 weeks)


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Week 37 Bumpdate

How far along? 37 weeks - Full Term!
Baby is the size of an: winter melon (19-22 inches and 6.5 lbs)
Gender: Girl!
Total weight gain: Up to 136 so 15 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I am ready for my normal clothes! 
Stretch marks? Not yet, but we will see after JB is born.
Symptoms: belly grows every day it seems like, she has dropped a lot so I can't walk without a waddle or sit without being able to close my legs, getting up and down is a struggle, and it's hot! 
Sleep: I can't complain!
Miss Anything: Um, yeah...looking and being normal!
Movement: She has a dance party 24/7!
Food cravings: You guessed it-Milo's Sweet Tea!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: At our 36 week appointment I was 1cm dilated and 25% effaced. I have been doing some things to hopefully help speed up this process. :) 
Exercise: Just slow walks 2-3 days out of the week.
Looking forward to: Fourth of July with our families! 
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 21 days (3 weeks)