Saturday, October 31, 2015

Janie Beth's First Halloween {2015}

Janie Beth was the cutest pink owl for Halloween. She lasted long enough to snap a  few  million pictures before she lost it and started crying then fell asleep.

We went to First United Methodist Church Halloween Festival then went to eat Mexican at San Marcos with the grandparents. It was such a fun night!

P.S. She tried cotton candy for the first time thanks to her Pop!

Granny and Papa T

Aunt Caroline

Our little family

Lollie and Pop

Nana, Lollie, and Pop

Big Cousin James 

She loves flying!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Janie Beth {3 months}

Wow, three months already? Where did the time go? This month has been by far my favorite month with you JB. You are starting to interact more with me and your daddy and you have noticed and taken interest in the dogs! You smile at the craziest of things we say and do and we have heard you laugh, like a belly laugh (I cried and laughed when I heard it)! I know the coming months are going to get more and more fun with you and I can't wait :)

Highlights of this month:
  • You weigh 11.8 pounds and 23 inches long (with my measurements- you don't go to the doctor this month so I had to improvise). According to the google search I did thats 25% weight and 50% in the length.
  • You wear size 1 diapers and 0-3/3-6 months clothes depending on the style and brand!
  • You use to be such a good predictable eater, but here lately you have frustrating wasted 198932084 ounces of formula. But, normally its 4-5 ounces of Gerber Soothe every 3-4 hours, whatever princess wants princess gets.
  • You typically take your last bottle around 7:45/8:00. Play with us and then we swaddle you up, read, and lay you down around 8:45 and you drift off to sleep and wake up somewhere between 6:30/7:00. (They say most babies go through a 4 month sleep regression- I am trying to prepare myself for it!)
  • You have found your voice and you babble all day long at the TV and whoever is talking to you.
  • This month you caught your first stomach bug, but it didn't seem to faze you much!
  • Your baby cousin Henry was born on October 11, 2015! He was 7.11 and 19.5 inches! Hopefully you will get to meet him soon!
  • You are trying your best to roll over. Stomach to back is pretty simple for you now but that darn arm gets in your way when you try from back to stomach.
  • You took your first trip to Birmingham to visit some of our best friends Brooke and Warren and baby Ross who should be here any day now!
  • We went to the pumpkin patch and you slept the whole time.
  • By far my favorite highlight of this month... your sweet laugh. One night (October 14th to be exact) after bath time your daddy made a crazy noise and you did a small laugh and then he continued to do it and you gave us the cutest belly laugh! I didn't know whether to cry or laugh with you!

  • Your Granny and Papa T gave you a Fisher Price swing and that is by far one of your favorite places to be in the afternoons.

  • You have discovered the TV and boy do you like it. I know the professionals say not to let babies watch TV but I don't know how to stop you. Sometimes we will look over at you and you are just a smiling at the TV (when normally Law and Order or ESPN is on).
  • You still enjoy your bath time. Actually you will start fussing for it around 7:15.
  • Your play mat and lamb mat is still your favorite places to be when you are inside. You are a kicking maniac and it's crazy how strong your legs are!
  • You have taken interest in toys that make noise and have different textures. You try grabbing them and when you finally get the toy it goes straight to your mouth.
  • Another thing you have discovered... your hands! You suck on those bad boys all the time! Sometimes I mistake it as hunger cues but jokes on me! HA!
  • Like I said before; you babble all day long! It is the cutest noises and me your daddy just laugh at you!

  • You cannot stand being put in the carseat but once you are in and we get going you are fine.
  • Guess what? You still hate tummy time, but I have not given up yet. Lollie bought you a tummy time mat and you like it a LITTLE better but we still have a long ways to go!
  • You don't dislike much! You are such a happy smiley baby!

Bring on month four!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our Little Pumpkin

Every year I beg Ben to go to the Pumpkin Patch but he always laughs at me and tells me that it is for families. So this year you better believe I begged told him we were going and he actually didn't put up a fight. 

I invited my friend Kaylee and her family to join us. We had a fun day and took a ton of good pictures! 

The best part: Coleman and Janie Beth matched :)

Welcome to the Pumpkin Patch little pumpkins!

       Our sweet pumpkins!

It was a fun day with this family!

Tractor rides are fun! 

They picked out their pumpkins!

My sweet little family!

She loved the corn!