Saturday, November 28, 2015

Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm {2015}

Last year we got our first real Christmas tree for our home and I was secretly pregnant and was not in the best Christmas spirit because I was so nauseous and exhausted that the last thing on my to-do list was decorating the house, but it HAD to be done.

Flashback from last year {2014}
This year I couldn't wait to take Janie Beth to the farm to pick out a tree! Well, she was not as impressed as I thought she would be. We could not get her to smile for a single picture. She was in a mood, little diva!

Our finish project. Janie Beth slept through the Christmas decorating!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Janie Beth's First Thanksgiving {2015}

I was so impressed at how well JB did for her first Thanksgiving. She sometimes doesn't handle large crowds and people passing her around very well. But, she took baby talk and being passed around like a champ today! Whew. I was relieved.

We started our day off at Brooks Road visiting and eating with the Dunn Family. It was so beautiful outside (high of 71)! Janie Beth finally got to meet the Dunn Family and we got the long awaited Mamie picture! We love this sweet woman and she just loved JB!

Next, we struck out towards Titus to eat Thanksgiving round 2 with my parents. We were able to get some good pictures after Janie Beth sucked down a bottle and was in a great picture taking mood!

We finally made it back home just in time for bath time and the last bottle. We put on our festive jammies (thanks to Granny). Thanksgiving wore this little turkey out!

Christmas Card as a Family of Three

The first year we were married I made a Christmas card using one of our wonderful wedding pictures and then after that I never made another one :( I do regret not doing one each year, but oh well!

Since we took pictures with the Weldon family we had several awesome pictures to pick from! I can't wait for them to come in so I can send them out to all of our family and friends!

Introducing the Weldon Christmas Card 2015.......

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Janie Beth {4 months}

Janie Elizabeth Weldon you my dear are my everything! I love everything about you and it's hard to believe I could love you anymore, but each day my love for you gets stronger and deeper! You have the funniest personality and you absolutely adore your daddy. You laugh at the funniest of noises and talk ALL the time. It makes me sad seeing old newborn pictures, but it is hard not to love this giggly stage you are in!

  • You weigh 12.9 pounds (35%) and 25in (75%). 
  • You are still in a size 1 diapers and 3-6 month clothes. I can still fit you in 0-3 month pants but the onesies are too short on you.
  • You have started eaten a little better this month. Normally it's 5-6 ounces every 3-4 hours! Every now and then you will suckle down 7 ounces before bed time.
  • We moved your bed time up to 7:30 and you still sleep like a champ. We never experienced the 4 month sleep regression (hope I haven't jinxed it)! 
  • You still are a very gassy/spitty/constipated baby. Every day is something different! I am ready for you to get passed all this!
  • You follow toys and people very smoothly (except for Baxter- he is too quick for you).
  • You grab for toys and everything goes straight to your mouth! Your grip is so strong and you can shake your keys like a pro! 
  • You FINALLY rolled over (11/16/15) after weeks of trying and getting stuck on your arms! Now there is no stopping you. I put you down on your play mat and come back to find you several feet away from where I put you! Since you have discovered your new trick we put you in your ZipadeeZip to sleep at night and you love the free range and sleeping on your tummy. 
  • We had a photo shoot with the Weldon family and all the pictures turned out great! You did such a good job and you were such a poser!

  • You celebrated your first Halloween and you were the cutest pink owl!

  • Your day care teachers always comment on how much you're a flipper and such a social butterfly! (Just like your mama, always on the move and talking!)

  • You love sitting up! Whether it is in your jumperro, bumbo seat, or our laps; you just want to be sitting up. Which I am relieved because your flat spot on your head is driving me crazy!
  • You can keep yourself entertained with the many, many, MANY toys you have!
  • You have recently become a daddy's girl. Seeing y'all together melts my heart, but I can't deny I get a little jealous!
  • You love to giggle and talk. You are such a talker and you will scream so loud to make sure everyone is listening.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month!

First time you intentionally rolled over!

Month 5 should be a great one- I can't wait to celebrate all these fun holidays with you! :) 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

3 Month Pictures

This photo shoot was a bit of a disaster. Our poor photographer (Chelsea Box) had to leave and come back to get some more shots of our hard headed little darling. I scheduled the shoot for first thing in the morning since that seems to be JB's prime time, but OH.MY.WORD was she a sheer terror. Every time we put her down she screamed and wasn't having it. Chelsea left and came back and despite all the screaming she was able to get a few good shots!

Here are a few of my favorites.