Sunday, February 21, 2016

Janie Beth {7 months}

This has been the months of milestones for you sweet JB! You have done so many firsts that I hope I have marked them all down! You are so mobile and curious that we had to baby proof the house a lot sooner than we thought! We have loved every moment with you (even through the rough teething moments)! We are stuck between wanting you to grow and learn new things and wanting you to stay little! You are an amazing, smart, curious, loving, giggly baby!
  • You weigh somewhere between 15-16 pounds and I have tried measuring you, but that's not on your top priorities so maybe we will try later. 
  • We moved you up to size 2 diapers after you ruined 3 outfits in a row because of massive blow outs, and 6-9 months clothes.
  • On a good day you will eat 5, 6 ounce bottles, and 2, 4 ounce of mixed purees for breakfast and supper. But, you have become uninterested in your bottles and some days I am happy if you just eat your baby food.
  • You still sleep 12+ hours at night. We usually lay you down between 7-7:30 and you will snooze until that same time the next morning. Some mornings we get lucky and you sleep until 8:00!
  • You can go from laying on your tummy to sitting up in no time and you now sit up all by yourself all day, every day!
  • And if learning to sit up wasn't good enough for you, you decided you wanted to crawl! It only took you a few days of trial and error until you have mastered it! Now, there is no stopping you!!
  • You have also started reaching for us to pick you up. It seriously is a heart melter when you crawl over to me and reach for me! How can I not pick you up?
  • Your new word: DA-DA. Oh well, we are working on MA-MA.
  • Another fun thing you have picked up is dancing to the Dance and Move Robot. You get so excited and start rocking back and forth when the music starts playing.
  • You are starting to pull up on things only to your knees, but I know it won't be too long until you are pulling all the way up to your feet.
  • You also celebrated your first Valentine's Day!
  • We had a photo shoot with the Matthews' Family and you weren't in the smiling mood.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Our Little Love Bug

Janie Beth celebrated her first Valentine's Day! We spent the whole week dressing for the occasion and she was pretty darn cute every day! We gave her daycare friends a rubber duck with a cute tag that said "You Quack me up Valentine" and her teachers a dozen of donuts with a cute tag that said "Donut what I would do without you!"

She got two books, teddy bear, pacis, and paci clips

JB and her BF celebrating their first Valentine's Day together!