Monday, March 21, 2016

Janie Beth {8 months}

Wow, this month went by WAY TOO FAST! Usually I take these photos days in advance but the day before works too :) ! Sweet JB you have become way too mobile for me and there is no more "deep couch sitting." You are crawling everywhere and pulling up on anything and on several occasions you have stood for just a few seconds unassisted. Where has my newborn baby gone?!?
  • I have no clue how much you weigh- my guess will be somewhere between 16 and 17 pounds and your getting way too tall for 6 month pants but the 9 months swallow you whole.
  • You are still in size 2 diapers and 6-9 months clothes.
  • Still only eating 5, 6 ounce bottles and we changed your formula and buddy you will suck down some milk. You recently became uninterested in baby puree food and we transitioned you to "table food." Even at daycare you are eating their menu and loving every bit of it. Your favorites are bananas, muffins, pancakes, biscuits, chicken noodle, and way too many puffs and yogurt melts. 
  • You are still sleeping like a pro (knock on wood)! You go down somewhere between 7 and 8 and sleep until that same time the next morning.
  • You are a crawling machine and have become a pro on pulling up on anything. But, you also take plenty of falls in which your head catches 95% of them. 
  • Any time you hear music you start bobbing your head and rocking your body and its the cutest thing ever.
  • We are working on waving bye-bye and clapping. 
  • You have recently become very attached to me and your dad. When we are in large crowds you don't like to go to anyone else and cry and reach for us if someone takes you. Secretly I like it :). 
  • You babble all day long and such a loud screamer. You will say MAMAMAMA and DADADADA and it is a contest between your dad and me on which one you will say on purpose.
  • You celebrated your first St. Patrick's Day!

Some of my favorite pictures from this month: