Janie Elizabeth Weldon, how are you possibly two years old? I want to cry thinking about it, but man do I love this age! You are EXTREMELY talkative, opinionated, loving, caring, spoiled, and so darn cute!!!!! You have hit so many milestones this year! You started a new school (which you/we LOVE), can sing your ABC's (with help), count to 5 (to ten with missing numbers), you love to sing any song you can come up with, but my personal favorite is Jesus Loves Me. You know everyones name and I love quizzing you with pictures. Eating time is not necessarily your favorite time! Your favorite things are Mac n Cheese, hot dogs, corn dogs, milk, yogurt, and cookies; real healthy right? Bath time is a terror unless we come up with new toys and games to play with. I really wanted to get rid of the pacifier (you only have at nap time and bed time) and potty train you during summer break, BUT THAT DIDNT HAPPEN, oops!
You weigh roughly 23 pounds and 33inches tall, petite little thing!
But, the most exciting thing that happened right before you turned two we found out you were going to be a BIG SISTER to a BROTHER! I cannot wait to see you be a big sister to Baby Bennett! You LOVE babies and love putting your babies to sleep, giving them their pacis, and feeding them! You are going to be such a big helper!
Some of my favorite memories from this past year!
First Day of PreK1 |
Crazy Hat Day at School |
Pumpkin Patch |
You were not a fan of Santa! |
First rodeo |
Easter celebration at school |
Your teachers- Mrs. Harrison (Horsey) and Mrs. Sasser (Sassy) |