Thursday, September 14, 2017

24 Weeks {Bennett James}

Today was our 24 week appointment and everything went great! I had to drink the yummy clear Sunkist drink and I am praying I pass the glucose test again! We also had another ultra sound since Bennett wasn't cooperative at our 20 week anatomy scan! They were able to get all the pictures they needed and his brain and heart looked perfect- PRAISE!
24 Weeks

Pregnancy updates:
  • Sleep: Good, but only if I'm in my own bed with my a pillow in between my legs.
  • Movement: Oh yes! Baby boy makes his presence known! His kicks and jabs hurt a little more than Janie Beth did!
  • Nursery: It is coming together very nicely. The only essential item that is missing is a crib. He will use Janie Beth's crib whenever she decides she doesn't want it anymore!!! He will be sleeping in the rock and play and pack and play until then! 
  • Cravings: This changes almost hourly! I will crave something then after I eat it I am good and never think about it again. BUT the main thing I have craved here lately is a Philly Roll; which is ok because all that is in it is cream cheese, avocado, and SMOKED salmon!   
  • Symptoms: Hmmmm!!! Indigestion is awful! I am starting to get out of breath easier!
  • Missing: BEER!!!!!!
  • Best Moments: Seeing Bennett again on the ultrasound and getting a good report!
  • Weight: Up 12+ pounds!