Monday, February 26, 2018

Bennett James {2 months}

TWO MONTHS! How?! When?! Sweet Little B you have made our lives so much more happy, tiring, lovable, and fun! Your little personality is starting to shine and boy is it very different than your sisters. You are such an observer. You love to sit and watch and take it all in! You let your presence be known when you are hungry, tired, or your diaper is not to your liking! Oh how I love you! I can't stop kissing your sweet chubby cheeks and you don't mind it at all, you actually smile like crazy when I do!

  • You weigh 11.6 pounds and 23" tall! :)
  • You wear size 1 diapers and 0/3 months clothes.
  • You eat 4/5oz every 3 hours! You are now on Zantac twice a day and my goodness that was a life savor!
  • You started daycare at Little Lambs and Ivy and you are doing really well! We love your teachers and Carsyn sends me pictures all the time and it makes my day!!
  • You are rocking the Moms on Call schedule. You take your last bottle somewhere between 6:45/7:00 and then you have been snoozing till around 5:00 and then we soothe you to as close as 7:00 as possible. But, we are putting you in your crib tonight and I am hoping you still sleep just as good! FINGERS CROSSED!
  • You are a smiley baby and its the cutest darn smile ever! You will smile at me and I have gotten a few chuckles! So stinking cute!
  • You can roll to your side when you're on your back. You have rolled from your belly to your back during tummy time. 
  • You do not mind tummy time at all, unlike your sister-she hated it!
  • Your favorites spots to be are in my arms, on your activity mat or your giraffe mat. You do like sitting up right in the bumbo or owl chair, but not for very long! 
  • You enjoy bath time until its time to take you out then you scream until we give you your bottle!