Tuesday, May 15, 2018

K2 Graduation

And just like that you have completed K2 at First Baptist CDC. What a wonderful year you had! You started the year off as an only child, in diapers, and sleeping in your crib. Now you are a rock star big sister, potty trained, and you absolutely love your free range in your big girl bed. You are only 2 (soon to be 3) and for some reason you seem much older. 
left: august  right:may
You ADORED your teachers this year, Casey Batyski (Tyski) and Beth Bridges (BB). They were both so kind, patient, and loving. They taught you SO much and for that we are extremely thankful for.
top: august   bottom:may
You can count to 20 and can count objects to ten. You are singing every song possible! And can recite bible verses! You know all the colors! And can recognize some letters(and tell you sounds) and numbers! You can retell her day!