Monday, October 1, 2018

Janie Beth {3 years old}

Sweet JB, 
How are you 3 years old? You are such a bright, social, loving, sassy, bossy, and caring little girl and we love every ounce of you!! You had A LOT of changes this year and you handled MOST of them like a champ and with grace and we couldn't be more proud of you!

  • You weighed 27 pounds and 32" tall.
  • You love Vamperina, Fancy Nancy, and Mickey and the Roadster Racers.
  • You love being the center of our attention and pretty much will demand it most days.
  • Your favorite food is still Mac and Cheese, yogurt, and chocolate milk.
  • Your favorite color is purple and pink (even though it changes daily).
  • When I asked what you wanted to be when you grow up it was a super hero, but that also changes daily.
  • You love to go fishing with your daddy but will be girly in an instant and want your fingernails painted. 
  • Georgia is still your BFF!
  • And, you experienced your first snow with TWO different snow days!
  • Visited Disney World!
  • Moved to a big girl bed!
  • Became a big sister!
  • Got rid of your paci!
  • Potty trained!

Bennett James {8 & 9 months}

Well, I totally failed as a mommy by writing your 8 month update. So, I am going to combine your 8 and 9 month update. You were trying to do a lot of things at 8 months and finally mastered them at 9 months. Without further adieu .....

  • At 9 months you weighed 19 pounds and 27" tall.
  • Around 8 months you were trying super hard to be mobile and at 9 months you figured it out! You have your own special crawl (You scoot side to side on your bottom). You will pull up on anything and everything and walking around the furniture.
  • You love table foods but at 8 months you were still just sucking on it and spitting it out, but at 9 months you have mastered the art of swallowing.
  • You aren't saying words but you are babbling and you will mock us every now then.
  • You are a dancing king. Any music you hear you start bouncing up and down.
  • Still sleeping awesome 7-7!
  • You are down to 2 sippy cups during the day and a bottle first thing in the morning and one before night time.
  • We are also working on clapping but you just look at us like we are crazy! 
  • Hopefully this is the last month in the helmet.