Who knows why the lighting is different in each picture. I guess I can blame my patient husband who loves taking these weekly pictures (HAHA!)
How far along? 23 weeks!
Baby is the size of a: grapefruit. 10.5-11.8 inches and 12.7-20.8 ounces.
Gender: Girl, girl, girl! We definitely know this because she shows herself at every ultrasound.
Total weight gain: 10+ pounds.
Maternity clothes? bottoms, yes! I can still make some of my dresses and tops work!
Stretch marks? So far we are in the clear!
Symptoms: Growing belly and other non fun pregnancy symptoms!
Symptoms: Growing belly and other non fun pregnancy symptoms!
Sleep: I hope I don't jinx myself, but this week hasn't been bad. I have been waking up around 2:00 to use the bathroom but that is better than aching hips!
Miss Anything: Not this week! Other than maybe warmer weather! :)
Movement: She is very active! Ben loves feeling her kick.
Food cravings: Nothing too strong this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Labor Signs: We will talk in about 16 weeks!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Extremely happy!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Extremely happy!
Exercise: My zumba instructor went out of town for Spring Break; so Ben and I just walked the dogs in the afternoon and one day I cleaned house all day and that was a workout!
Looking forward to: Getting more stuff for the nursery! I have several things saved in my amazon and ikea checkout box, all I am waiting on is Payday!!!!! :)
Monday when we went back for our anatomy scan "re-do" the tech was able to get everything she needed. Janie Beth looked perfect and was putting on a show for us. They were also slow so the tech swapped it over to 4d for us so we were able to see her sweet face more clearly! It was an awesome appointment!