Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week 20 Bumpdate- Half Way There!

How far along? 20 weeks- I can't believe we are half way there!
Baby is the size of a: banana. 6.5 inches and 10.2 ounces!
Gender: Janie Beth
Total weight gain: 5+ pounds.
Maternity clothes? My bottoms have to be maternity, but I can still make my tops and dresses fit!
Stretch marks?So far so good!
Symptoms: Round ligament pains!!
Sleep: My hips are starting to hurt at night. I sleep with a pillow in between my legs or with my body pillow.
Miss Anything: Not getting out of breath easily and bending down to get things without it taking me a gazillion years!
Movement: Oh yes! It is the greatest thing feeling her! 
Food cravings: Sweet Tea!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Labor Signs: No way!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, happy, happy!

Exercise: Zumba on Tuesday and Thursday and now that the time has changed and it is getting warmer Ben, me and the dogs take a daily stroll!
Looking foward to: Tomorrow is our 20 week anatomy scan! I am excited to see her again, but nervous! I am anxious to see how big she is because in the last ultra sound she measured a week ahead! 

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