Friday, May 29, 2015

Week 32 Bumpdate

How far along? 32 Weeks
Baby is the size of an: head of lettuce (19 in. and 3.9lbs)
Gender: Sweet baby girl, Janie Beth!
Total weight gain: 10-12 pounds...depending on the day!
Maternity clothes? Clothes? Who needs them?
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Symptoms: Everything that pregnancy comes with!
Sleep: Eh, it's okay...
Miss Anything: Laying on my stomach!!
Movement: 24/7 it feels like! 
Food cravings: Milos Sweet Tea.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and isn't nesting a labor sign?? 
Exercise: Well, sadly none!
Looking forward to: My doctors appointment Monday! Not much goes on at these appointments but it just means we are that much closer!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 56 day (8 weeks)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Nursery Update

This memorial day weekend Ben and I focused on the nursery! Now that I am 31 weeks we are in full mode to get things together! Ben has done such a great job hanging different items and has helped out more than he realizes (this big ole' belly gets in the way more than I realize it would)!

 I just love the curtains. They were a gift from my grandmother, they came from Pottery Barn. What is really nice about them is they are blackout curtains so hopefully she will take some good naps in there!

These cute boxes came from Target! They don't hold a whole lot of things but I just love them!

My friend Kaylee gave us the mirror. We (I mean Ben) spray painted it white and it matches perfectly!!

We got this cute bow holder from a co-worker!

 Ben picked out this sign at Hobby Lobby- I am glad he is so involved and adding his own personal touch to the nursery!

Still my favorite part of the room; the "reading area"

The only thing left is the rocker that my mom is cleaning up and a floor lamp. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Week 31 Bumpdate

How far along? 31 weeks!
Baby is the size of an: Coconut (18 in. and 3.2lbs)
Gender: Since pink has exploded at our house it's safe to say we are having a girl!
Total weight gain: I am up to 132! Gained 12 pounds!
Maternity clothes? For sure!
Stretch marks? Praying and hoping for the best!
Symptoms: I just feel pregnant. I am tired, shortness of breath, uncomfortable, etc!
Sleep: Pretty good once I get comfortable!
Miss Anything: Laying on my stomach!!
Movement: All day everyday! 
Food cravings: Nothing extremely strong.  Just sweet tea!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks. They are becoming more uncomfortable as the weeks progress!
Exercise: End of the school year is plenty of exercise! I promised myself to get back into a routine ASAP!
Looking forward to: My last baby shower on Sunday!! I am starting my nesting stage so I am anxious to get the nursery set and ready! 
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 61 days

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Week 30 Bumpdate

How far along? 30 weeks--- 10 OR less weeks to go!!!!
Baby is the size of an: butternut squash 17in. and 3.1 lbs (but she weighed this at our 28 week appointment)
Gender: sweet baby girl!
Total weight gain: I think I have finally gained 10lbs!
Maternity clothes? They are the most comfortable these days!
Stretch marks? I haven't been applying my cream like I should so I hope I haven't ruined it for myself.
Symptoms: Growing belly, shortness of breath, tired!
Sleep: Pretty good once I get comfortable!
Miss Anything: Getting up and down easily and I know the worse is yet to come!
Movement: OOOH YES!
Food cravings: Sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat and mainly chicken!
Labor Signs: Notta.
Exercise: Zumba Tuesday and I walked with Ben and the dogs on Wednesday.
Looking forward to: School being out this week!! YAY!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 69 days
Countdown until School is Out:  5 days!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 29 Bumpdate

How far along? 29 weeks!
Baby is the size of an: small cabbage. 17 inches long and 2.9lbs (according to my WTE app) But, at our 28 week appointment she was already weighing 3lbs and 1 ounce. 
Gender: Girl!
Total weight gain: Still around 8-9 lbs!
Maternity clothes? YULP!
Stretch marks? So far so good!
Symptoms: Heart burn, shortness of breath, trouble getting up, growing belly, etc!!!!
Sleep: Pretty good once I get comfortable!
Miss Anything: Not this week. 
Movement: All day everyday! I LOVE it until I get a nice jab in the ribs and then it hurts!
Food cravings: Nothing real strong just a lot of sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still not caring for a whole lot of meat.
Labor Signs: Just the Braxton Hicks but nothing huge!
Exercise: Nothing this week :
Looking forward to: Getting more items for her nursery because my mind has been rolling with ideas.
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 75 days
Countdown until School is Out:  10 days!
Our sweet girl at our last ultrasound! (I also passed my glucose test!!!)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Nursery Update

I am so excited about how Janie Beth's nursery is coming together! My vision is slowly but surely coming life!! 

Update since last post: Reading Area (at least this is what I am calling it)

A big thanks goes to my husband for hanging the selves! 

These awesome bookshelves came from Ikea! I painted them white!

Below the bookshelves is the sweetest lamb play mat that we got at a shower and beautiful Pottery Barn baskets!

One basket is filled with all her lovies!

 The other basket has some nice blankets!

I am in love!  


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Week 28 Bumpdate - Hello 3rd Trimester

* If you compare my bump from last week to this week it looks smaller, but it has grown a lot this week. I guess it was the angle Ben was standing last week! 
How far along? 28 weeks! I can not believe we are now in the third trimester.
Baby is the size of an: cauliflower. 16 inches long and 2.5lbs!
Gender: Janie Beth!
Total weight gain: Still around 8-9 lbs!
Maternity clothes? Eh, I don't prefer clothes but when I have to wear them I am the most comfortable in a dress!
Stretch marks? So far so good!
Symptoms: Growing belly and what I think seems to be Braxton Hicks contractions.
Sleep: Pretty good once I get comfortable!
Miss Anything: Nope. :)
Movement: When is she not moving?? She is a very active baby. I wonder if this what we have to look forward to once she is here!
Food cravings: Captain  Crunch Cereal anyone?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just not really caring for meat.
Labor Signs: No way!
Exercise: Zumba on Tuesday and Thursday was field day with my students and that WORE ME OUT!
Looking forward to:My first shower that my aunts are throwing me Sunday and another shower hosted by my wonderful co-workers on Thursday. Also, Ben and I will be leaving for our babymoon/anniversary/mothers day/fathers day mini vacation Friday!!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 85 days
Countdown until School is Out:  15 days!