How far along? 32 Weeks
Baby is the size of an: head of lettuce (19 in. and 3.9lbs)
Gender: Sweet baby girl, Janie Beth!
Total weight gain: 10-12 pounds...depending on the day!
Maternity clothes? Clothes? Who needs them?
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Symptoms: Everything that pregnancy comes with!
Symptoms: Everything that pregnancy comes with!
Sleep: Eh, it's okay...
Miss Anything: Laying on my stomach!!
Movement: 24/7 it feels like!
Food cravings: Milos Sweet Tea.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and isn't nesting a labor sign??
Exercise: Well, sadly none!
Looking forward to: My doctors appointment Monday! Not much goes on at these appointments but it just means we are that much closer!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 56 day (8 weeks)