Monday, May 25, 2015

Nursery Update

This memorial day weekend Ben and I focused on the nursery! Now that I am 31 weeks we are in full mode to get things together! Ben has done such a great job hanging different items and has helped out more than he realizes (this big ole' belly gets in the way more than I realize it would)!

 I just love the curtains. They were a gift from my grandmother, they came from Pottery Barn. What is really nice about them is they are blackout curtains so hopefully she will take some good naps in there!

These cute boxes came from Target! They don't hold a whole lot of things but I just love them!

My friend Kaylee gave us the mirror. We (I mean Ben) spray painted it white and it matches perfectly!!

We got this cute bow holder from a co-worker!

 Ben picked out this sign at Hobby Lobby- I am glad he is so involved and adding his own personal touch to the nursery!

Still my favorite part of the room; the "reading area"

The only thing left is the rocker that my mom is cleaning up and a floor lamp. 

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