Sunday, June 28, 2015

Week 36 Bumpdate

How far along? 36 Weeks - Officially 9 months!!
Baby is the size of an: large cantaloupe (19-22 inches and 6 lbs)
Gender: Janie Beth
Total weight gain: Up to 134 so 13 pounds!
Maternity clothes? HAHA! 
Stretch marks? We will see post baby!
Symptoms: growing/itchy belly, uncomfortable, heart burn, tired, and HOT! Also, the past week she has been getting the hiccups at least once a day. 
Sleep: Not so bad. 
Miss Anything: Not much this week!
Movement: Oh yes!
Food cravings: Milo's Sweet Tea!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really!!
Labor Signs: My mom and sister think that I have dropped some but nothing screaming she is coming any time soon!
Exercise: Just slow walks 2-3 days out of the week.
Looking forward to: Our appointment Monday! I am having a strep b test and he will check for dilation! (Even though I am not getting my hopes up)!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 28 days (4 weeks)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Week 35 Bumpdate

How far along? 35 Weeks
Baby is the size of an: canary melon (19-22 in. and 5.5 lbs)
Gender: Girl!
Total weight gain: I have officially hit 133! I have now gained 12 pounds!
Maternity clothes? HAHA! Maxi dresses and big t-shirts are my go to these days!
Stretch marks? We will see post baby!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, round ligament pains, tiredness, can't get comfortable, hot, etc!
Sleep: It's been okay this week. Once I get comfortable she will sit right on my bladder. 
Miss Anything: Some of my favorite summer time dresses.
Movement: Yes, and it's more squirms and wiggles now!
Food cravings: Milo's Sweet Tea!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still can't eat a whole lot of meat.
Labor Signs: Notta. 
Exercise: Just slow walks every now and then!
Looking forward to: Seeing Miss Janie Beth! As much as we are ready to meet our princess we know she needs to stay in the oven just a few more weeks!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 35 days (5 weeks)

Also, a big Happy Father's Day to Ben! I got him just a cute little onsie (he was thrilled)! :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

God is Good All the Time

If you have been reading my blog then you know that I haven't been gaining a whole lot of weight this pregnancy. At first I wasn't too concern because I am a small person and never have struggled with my weight. Most people congratulate me and call me lucky, but some people give me a judgmental look. I am so tired of explaining to people that I am eating and not starving my baby or myself. I have learned that eating several small meals a day is easier for me than eating three large meals. I am not a health freak or live in the gym so keeping my figure isn't one of my top priorities so trust me when I say I don't mind devouring a bowl of ice cream every night!

Just to make sure Janie Beth is growing like she is supposed to my doctor scheduled us a growth scan. I was immediately excited because that meant we get to see our baby girl again and it has been 6 weeks since we have seen her! Turns out I am not starving her or myself! She weighed  5 pounds and 10 ounces and is in the 50th percentile for 34 week baby's! The doctor is not concerned about my weight or Janie Beth gaining weight. His words were "keep doing what you are doing!" YOU GOT IT DOC :)

God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

Since I am 34 weeks she is very squished and she kept her hands by her face so the tech couldn't get the best pictures! Is it July 24th yet?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Week 34 Bumpdate

How far along? 34 Weeks
Baby is the size of an: pineapple (19 in. and 4.9 lbs)
Gender: Sweet little girl!
Total weight gain: Still sitting around 9 pounds total!
Maternity clothes? Definitely!
Stretch marks? Looking good.
Symptoms: Heart burn, pregnancy waddle, uncomfortable no matter what, and pretty much hot 24/7! 
Sleep: Pretty good other than bathroom trips! 
Miss Anything: Nothing this week!
Movement: YES SIR!
Food cravings: Same thing. I can't get enough sweet tea- Milo's to be exact!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still can't eat a whole lot of meat.
Labor Signs: Nope. Still BH here and there!
Exercise: I went to Auburn for UDA dance camp and the first day we walked over 20,000 steps and then the next few days we walked 7,000-10,000 steps! WHEW- that was tiring!
Looking forward to: Our appointment Wednesday. We are having another ultra sound to make sure Janie Beth is gaining the weight she needs to since I haven't put on much weight! We always like seeing her! 
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 43 days (6 weeks)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A Letter to Janie Beth

Dear Janie Beth,
I will never forget the day we found out that we were expecting our first child! It was Sunday, November 9, 2014, and I had just dropped off supper to a couple in our Sunday School class who just had their second baby. I decided to swing into Walgreen's to buy a pregnancy test (well, actually 3)! I took the test when I got home. Your daddy and I were shocked and speechless as we saw two pink lines appear!

 The first trimester was the happiest but most scariest time for me. We did a lot of praying and trusting in the Lord that he was keeping you safe, strong and healthy. We also told your family during this time that you were on the way. Everyone was thrilled and just as excited as we were.

 February 9, 2015 we had our family come to our house to find out what you were! My guess was boy and your daddy guessed girl! Once everyone had arrived we opened the box and pink balloons floated out. I was totally shocked and so overwhelmingly excited! I could not believe we were going to have a daughter! After all the excitement calmed down I revealed your name, Janie Elizabeth Weldon. You are named after your great great grandmother Janie Graham. (She would be so excited)!

 Over the last few months we have been showered with love, gifts and prayers from family and friends. We all can't wait to meet you! Your daddy and I have been working very hard on your nursery (which is by far my favorite room in the house)! We have also attended a few classes to help us prepare for your arrival! 

 I didn't realize that I could love your daddy anymore than I already do, but through this whole process my love for him has grown. He loves you very much already and will do anything to help me! He talks to you, reads to you and loves to feel you kick and squirm inside me. I pray that you marry a man just like him! I can't wait to see him hold you for the first time! 

 You have consumed our thoughts and prayers! We talk about how our life is going to be different once you arrive and all the fun things we can't wait to do with you. We think about who you will look like and what your personality will be. Even though we have a few more weeks until you make your arrival I am going to cherish the squirms and kicks and the final endings of being pregnant. I promise I will try to be the best mommy I can be and I promise to love you with all of my heart! 


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Janie Beth's Nursery

 I don't think her nursery will ever be complete because I will always be adding things here and there. But, it is now ready for Janie Beth's arrival. It is officially my favorite room in the house! I find myself walking in there and just staring and day dreaming of when she is finally here! I hope she loves it as much as I do!

 The crib, oh the crib! It is what started the theme and look of the nursery. A big huge thank you to my parents for purchasing it for us. Both the crib and the bedding came from Pottery Barn. I fell in love and splurged a little too much on the bedding, but it was just too sweet not too!

The rocker was my great grandmother's rocker who Janie Beth is named after. My mom pulled it out of the storage unit and cleaned it up very nice for us. In the future I will be adding cushions to it, but I am trying to find the perfect ones! 

The small white boxes came from Target. They aren't the biggest shelves, but they are functional and hold cute picture frames and trinkets.

The day we bought the crib and bedding I saw these curtains at Pottery Barn and knew they would fit perfectly in the nursery. They are black out curtains so hopefully they will make nap times nice and dark! 

The bookshelves are probably my favorite part of the nursery. They are spice racks from Ikea that I painted and Ben assembled and installed.
 Her closet isn't anything to show off (other than all the amazing clothes she has)!
These handy dandy $15 shelves I bought at Dollar General are holding diapers in one and burp cloths and blankets in the other! 

    I love chalk paint and this dresser and matching night stand has always been fun to paint and re-do. It was my grandmother's old furniture set and she gave it to me when Ben and I got married.

Diapers in one drawer and baby grooming and medicines in another.
Bows, mittens and hats
Socks, bloomers and bibs

Newborn and 0-3 months onsies and sleepers

I think we are set and ready! Bring on our baby girl!!