Saturday, June 6, 2015

Week 33 Bumpdate

How far along? 33 Weeks
Baby is the size of an: honeydew melon (19 in. and 4.5 lbs)
Gender: Girl all the way!
Total weight gain: Well, back down to only 8-9 pounds. My belly is growing so I know baby girl is growing but we are having another growth ultra sound at our next appointment to make sure!
Maternity clothes? YES!
Stretch marks? Nope and fingers crossed it stays that way!
Symptoms: Starting to become emotional and moody. (Sorry Ben!) I am getting to the point where I am just pure uncomfortable. 
Sleep: Thank goodness Janie Beth sleeps at night and moves during the day so that I can have a decent nights sleep (minus the bathroom trips)!
Miss Anything: Well, I can't say that when we are hanging around the pool and everyone keeps cracking open ice cold beer that my mouth doesn't water :(
Movement: All day errrday!
Food cravings: Milos Sweet Tea.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: Same thing- Braxton Hicks - which are getting a little more intense!
Exercise: Ben and I walked the dogs twice this week!
Looking forward to: Taking our maternity pictures!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 49 days (7 weeks)

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