Thursday, August 13, 2015

Newborn Essentials

We are not by any means professional parents and won't claim to know it all. But, since having Janie Beth home for three weeks we are quickly learning what works and what doesn't work for us and for her! Below I have listed our top 10 newborn essentials that we could not live without!

1. Newborn Onesies- I have all these cute adorable clothes but let's be realistic; we don't go anywhere and I quickly learned that unsnapping three buttons is a lot easier than removing bloomers and pants every single diaper change (which is a lot).  Of course I have to dress her in cute onesies and not plain white ones.

2. Rockeroo- This little spaceship has been a lifesaver. Janie Beth absolutely loves sitting in it and rocking. It can be expensive but totally worth the money.

3. JJ Cole Diaper Caddy- My best friend, Kaylee, who had a little boy back in November ran across this amazing product. It holds diapers, wipes, and in the little drawer I keep finger nail clippers, diaper cream, extra pacis, and a hair brush.  We carry this from room to room with us so we don't have to constantly go to her diaper changing station in her nursery.

4. Summer Infant SwaddleMe Blankets- We all know the nurses in the hospital can swaddle a baby like a burrito and they make it look so easy. Ben and I would watch every time but we never seemed to master it so luckily we had these at home! Janie Beth LOVES being swaddle these blankets make it easier for us and tight for her!

5. Boppy- The boppy has come in handy in a lot of ways. She mainly loves laying in it and looking around but it also helps us when feeding her and holding her.

6. Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets- Actually I am not sure why they are called swaddle blankets because swaddling with them is a complete fail on our end. But, they are great light blankets to cover her up with during the day when she is chilling in the rockeroo or the boppy.

7. Dr. Brown Bottles- After giving her every bottle we had this is the bottle she likes best.

8. Grass Drying Rack- It speaks for itself.

9. MAM Pacifiers- Funny story; One night JB was crying and we could not figure out why and she wasn't wanting anything to do with the NUK paci she had been sucking on. Ben decided to do the paci search. He offered her 3 different pacis until he gave her the MAM and that was the one she liked. Ever since then that is the only one she'll take!

10. Newborn Rock and Play Sleeper- This is by far our favorite item! Mainly because she only sleeps in this at night beside our bed and she sleeps 6-7 hours straight in it!!! I am not sure why our little girl sleeps through the night, but we are going to keep up our routine- bath, book, eat, swaddle, and sleep!

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