Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Janie Beth {2 Months}

Happy two months Janie Beth! You have done some many "firsts" this month and its all so exciting!

Two Month Highlights

  • 10.9 pounds (50%) and 23 inches (75%)! You are a growing a little girl :) 
  • Eats 3-4 ounces of Gerber Goodstart Soothe every 3 hours during the day. Takes her last bottle at 8pm and is asleep around 9pm and sleeps from somewhere between 5-6am. (We finally got to where she will take powder formula)!!
  • Size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes.
  • Tries to roll over from back to front.

  • Bath time
  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Playing on the play mat
  • Laying on her lamb mat
  • Pacifier
  • Laying on her back
  • Being outside and swinging

  • Tummy time

  • Went to church and was dedicated.

  • Witnessed Alabama's first football game of the season.

  • Started daycare (Calvary Baptist)-September 14, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

Janie Beth's Baby Dedication

When Ben and I got married we started getting lazy with the whole church thing. We like our sleep and lazy weekends so we found every reason not to go and would tell each other we would go the next Sunday. When we did go neither one of us got much out of the sermon and we were just not satisfied where we were going. Just like every other time God had a plan for us just at the right time. My friend, Emily, invited us to First Baptist and their new Sunday School Class. It sounded perfect and just what we were looking for; a laid back, contemporary service and a young married couple Sunday school class. We were enjoying it and looked forward to Sundays! When we found out we were pregnant we decided this was the church we wanted to raise our child in. We decided to join the church in January 2015 and we pledged to get baptized! Well...fast forward 8 months and we have today (September 6, 2015)!

We dedicated Janie Beth to our church and promised to raise her up in a Godly home! It was such a humbling moment to know that He has chosen us to be her parents and trusted us to raise her up knowing Him and worshiping Him! I hope we don't let Him down :)

We had so many friends and family there to witness it!

Since we dedicated our daughter to the Lord we thought what better way to top it off with rededicating our life to Him as well. We want to "start fresh" with our relationship with God and make sure He is at the center of everything. We did this by getting baptized!