Happy two months Janie Beth! You have done some many "firsts" this month and its all so exciting!
Two Month Highlights
- 10.9 pounds (50%) and 23 inches (75%)! You are a growing a little girl :)
- Eats 3-4 ounces of Gerber Goodstart Soothe every 3 hours during the day. Takes her last bottle at 8pm and is asleep around 9pm and sleeps from somewhere between 5-6am. (We finally got to where she will take powder formula)!!
- Size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes.
- Tries to roll over from back to front.
- Bath time
- Eating
- Sleeping
- Playing on the play mat
- Laying on her lamb mat
- Pacifier
- Laying on her back
- Being outside and swinging
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