Saturday, December 26, 2015

First Christmas {2015}

Janie Beth had a great first Christmas until we realized she had a double ear infection, RSV, and pneumonia (all started on Christmas Eve). I could tell something wasn't right when all she did was cry all Christmas Eve morning. She had the worse cold I have ever seen and she developed a nasty cough. By the end of the day she was wheezing. Christmas morning came and she seemed like she felt a little better after some Vicks rub and a humidifier. By Christmas night she was wheezing heavier and her breathing was more rapid. So, we were supposed to leave for Gatlinburg, TN. today but we decided to take JB to the doctor just to check on her. Now a breathing treatment later and one round of medicine we are calming down with naps and snuggles. I had the biggest mom guilt for not taking her sooner, but we are on the down hill now (hopefully).

Here are a few of my favorite pictures during our Christmas festivities.

Christmas Eve Service at FUMC.

Christmas Eve Festivities below!

Christmas Morning!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Janie Beth {5 months}

5 months already? I can't believe next month is your 1/2 birthday! Where has the time gone? This month you had a lot of firsts with all these holidays there is so many fun things to do with you! You are so talkative, giggly, moody, hilarious, and most precious little thing! I am so happy we are your parents!

  • You weigh 14 pounds and 25in according to my measurements. 
  • Size 1 diapers and 3-6 month clothes (6 month smocked outfits).
  • Still eating only 5 ounces (6oz first thing in the morning) every 3 hours. 
  • We introduced baby food this month and my word do you love it! You eat 2.5oz of some mixture of fruit and veggie one time a day! (favorite: bananas and squash).
  • Your bedtime is 7:30 and you rarely make it past it. 
  • Well, you did hit a 4 month sleep regression the day you turned 4 months old. It wasn't totally bad. Mainly, because you learned to roll and we transferred you to a Zipadeezip and you would get yourself in positions you couldn't get out of and we would come to the rescue. But, I am happy to say that those nights are few and far between right now! PTL!
  • You have been trying really hard to sit up by yourself. You can hold yourself up for about 10-20 seconds before you tumble down.
  • Also, you are battling your first nasty cold! Topped with runny nose, cough, and watery eyes! So pitiful!

  • You celebrated your first major holiday, Thanksgiving. It was such a beautiful day and we were able to visit both sides of the family!

  • We went and saw Santa! 

  • Took a visit to the Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm.

  • We took you to see the lights at the zoo with Coleman!

Some of my favorite pictures from this month.