Monday, December 21, 2015

Janie Beth {5 months}

5 months already? I can't believe next month is your 1/2 birthday! Where has the time gone? This month you had a lot of firsts with all these holidays there is so many fun things to do with you! You are so talkative, giggly, moody, hilarious, and most precious little thing! I am so happy we are your parents!

  • You weigh 14 pounds and 25in according to my measurements. 
  • Size 1 diapers and 3-6 month clothes (6 month smocked outfits).
  • Still eating only 5 ounces (6oz first thing in the morning) every 3 hours. 
  • We introduced baby food this month and my word do you love it! You eat 2.5oz of some mixture of fruit and veggie one time a day! (favorite: bananas and squash).
  • Your bedtime is 7:30 and you rarely make it past it. 
  • Well, you did hit a 4 month sleep regression the day you turned 4 months old. It wasn't totally bad. Mainly, because you learned to roll and we transferred you to a Zipadeezip and you would get yourself in positions you couldn't get out of and we would come to the rescue. But, I am happy to say that those nights are few and far between right now! PTL!
  • You have been trying really hard to sit up by yourself. You can hold yourself up for about 10-20 seconds before you tumble down.
  • Also, you are battling your first nasty cold! Topped with runny nose, cough, and watery eyes! So pitiful!

  • You celebrated your first major holiday, Thanksgiving. It was such a beautiful day and we were able to visit both sides of the family!

  • We went and saw Santa! 

  • Took a visit to the Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm.

  • We took you to see the lights at the zoo with Coleman!

Some of my favorite pictures from this month.

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