Sunday, January 17, 2016

Janie Beth {6 months}

How can it already be your half birthday! Time sure is flying by so fast! This month has been so crazy busy and you were a trooper during the holidays despite your sickness! I can't believe how quickly you pick up on things and how smart you are, you truly amaze your daddy and me every day!!
Happy Half Birthday Janie Beth!

  • You weigh 14 pounds and 7.5oz (25%), 26 inches long (50%). 
  • You are still in size 1 diapers and 3-6/6-9 month clothes. 
  • You are now eating 5, 6oz, bottles every 3 hours and 4oz of purees for breakfast and supper. Your favorite purees are sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, and avocados.  
  • Thankfully you are still sleeping from 7:30pm-6:30/7:00am. But, you have retired the Zippadee Zip and you now sleep in your Aden and Anais Sleep Sack. I may have cried a little (officially a big girl sleeper).
  • You were unable to go on your first planned vacation to Gatlinburg, TN. because you had RSV, pneumonia, and a double ear infection. You were so pitiful but thankfully after 3 breathing treatments a day and several different rounds of antibiotics you are on the mends of it all!
  • You are now able to sit up unassisted for several minutes and counting!
  • You are VERY curious about everything and will reach for anything you get your eye on. Even if that means falling out of your bumbo seat and bouncer seat.
  • My new favorite thing you now do is touch peoples faces. I love when you grab my nose or mouth while I am trying talking to you. 
  • Another big milestone that your daddy and I are loving is you now put your paci in your mouth (huge lifesaver at night!)
  • Your new favorite past time is jumping in your jumperoo. You normally jump yourself to sleep!
  • You also have 2 teeth cutting through!
  • You love to stand up and walk with help of course! You are so strong that all we have to do is help keep your balance! 

Firsts from this month:
  • We celebrated your first Christmas!! 

Some of my favorite pictures from this month.

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