Friday, July 22, 2016

Janie Beth {12 months}

And just like that your year of firsts have come to an end. I have been a pool of emotions today. I don't know whether to smile and celebrate all your milestones and all of your accomplishments or to cry in the fact that you are no longer a "baby". I never understood it until now, but being a mom is the most challenging but rewarding job! But, for this moment I am going to celebrate your accomplishments and later tonight I will cry myself to sleep!
  • You weigh roughly 20lbs and 30 inches tall. (Those are my measurements, but we go to the dr next week to confirm).
  • Still in size 3 diapers and 9-12m clothes.
  • I say this VERY excitingly......WE ARE D.O.N.E. WITH THE FORMULA! You drink 6oz of whole milk when you wake up and before you go to sleep and whole milk is in your cup at each meal!
  • You can still say bye-bye, mama, dada, moo, woof woof, uh oh, and you babble all the time.
  • You are a screaming, laughing, noise making machine (you get that from your daddy).
  • You cut another bottom tooth so you are up to 5 teeth.
  • You are your happiest when you are eating or outside with your puppies.
  • You had the best time at your birthday party and you were the star of the show with your smash cake!

Keep being you sweet JB and lets tackle year number deuce!

Some of my favorite pictures from this month:

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