Thursday, September 14, 2017

24 Weeks {Bennett James}

Today was our 24 week appointment and everything went great! I had to drink the yummy clear Sunkist drink and I am praying I pass the glucose test again! We also had another ultra sound since Bennett wasn't cooperative at our 20 week anatomy scan! They were able to get all the pictures they needed and his brain and heart looked perfect- PRAISE!
24 Weeks

Pregnancy updates:
  • Sleep: Good, but only if I'm in my own bed with my a pillow in between my legs.
  • Movement: Oh yes! Baby boy makes his presence known! His kicks and jabs hurt a little more than Janie Beth did!
  • Nursery: It is coming together very nicely. The only essential item that is missing is a crib. He will use Janie Beth's crib whenever she decides she doesn't want it anymore!!! He will be sleeping in the rock and play and pack and play until then! 
  • Cravings: This changes almost hourly! I will crave something then after I eat it I am good and never think about it again. BUT the main thing I have craved here lately is a Philly Roll; which is ok because all that is in it is cream cheese, avocado, and SMOKED salmon!   
  • Symptoms: Hmmmm!!! Indigestion is awful! I am starting to get out of breath easier!
  • Missing: BEER!!!!!!
  • Best Moments: Seeing Bennett again on the ultrasound and getting a good report!
  • Weight: Up 12+ pounds!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

K2 {First Day}

Janie Beth has officially started K2 at First Baptist! I am super excited for this year! She has two awesome teachers and some great friends in her room!!

First Day of K2! August 1, 2017

Mrs. Beth and Mrs. Casey

Baby Bennett {Half way}

Well, nothing like updating the blog when you are half way pregnant with baby #2! Poor Bennett, JB had weekly updates with pictures and he is getting the shaft! :( Life flashes by and I am purely exhausted at night that the blog gets pushed to the side! 

But, lets get caught up!

How far along are you and how are you feeling? I am 20 weeks pregnant! I am feeling very very very different than with Janie Beth. This pregnancy is much more challenging and I blame it on an active toddler running around. I am constantly tired and could fall asleep at any moment if I sit too still! (One afternoon I fell asleep and woke up with 5 bandaids on my leg and a very concerned JB! Not my best mom moment, haha!) I had some tummy issues, but I think I am finally passed that! And Bennett took no time to show!

How did you find out? HA! Ben and I have been talking about when to start trying to have another baby. Our original plan was this summer (like start trying in June). But, I ran out of birth control on April 1st and I mentioned it to Ben and we both agreed to not get in filled and see what happens. We had a postive pregnancy test on April 22nd. Oops. :) 

Will you find out the gender? Yes! Since I am 20 weeks we have a confirmed ultrasound that it is a BOY! Boy was I super shocked! 

Do you have a name? Bennett James Weldon due January 3rd, 2018!

Nursery plans? Oh yes! Already have majority of it done! The theme is navy, white, and gray mixed with fishing theme! Stay tuned :)

Feeling any movement? YES! So far Bennett and Janie Beth have the same schedule. Move a lot around 5:00 in the morning and in between 9:00-10:00 at night! I hope he takes after his big sister's sleeping habits!

Any weight gain? So far around 3/4 pounds! Food is not my biggest fan right now. Which is polar opposite when I was pregnant with JB! I don't like too much meat, especially chicken, and when I do eat its very small helpings!

We are over the moon to welcome a little man to our family!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Janie Beth {2 Years}

Janie Elizabeth Weldon, how are you possibly two years old? I want to cry thinking about it, but man do I love this age! You are EXTREMELY talkative, opinionated, loving, caring, spoiled, and so darn cute!!!!! You have hit so many milestones this year! You started a new school (which you/we LOVE), can sing your ABC's (with help), count to 5 (to ten with missing numbers), you love to sing any song you can come up with, but my personal favorite is Jesus Loves Me. You know everyones name and I love quizzing you with pictures. Eating time is not necessarily your favorite time! Your favorite things are Mac n Cheese, hot dogs, corn dogs, milk,  yogurt, and cookies; real healthy right? Bath time is a terror unless we come up with new toys and games to play with. I really wanted to get rid of the pacifier (you only have at nap time and bed time) and potty train you during summer break, BUT THAT DIDNT HAPPEN, oops!

You weigh roughly 23 pounds and 33inches tall, petite little thing!

But, the most exciting thing that happened right before you turned two we found out you were going to be a BIG SISTER to a BROTHER! I cannot wait to see you be a big sister to Baby Bennett! You LOVE babies and love putting your babies to sleep, giving them their pacis, and feeding them! You are going to be such a big helper!

                                       Some of my favorite memories from this past year!

First Day of PreK1

Crazy Hat Day at School

Pumpkin Patch

You were not a fan of Santa!

First rodeo

Easter celebration at school

Your teachers- Mrs. Harrison (Horsey) and Mrs. Sasser (Sassy)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter {2017}

Happy Easter Y'all!

Easter 2017 was a success! It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day! We spent Saturday night with the Weldon's and Sunday afternoon with the Matthews/Roberts/Whorton Clan (AKA as the Sunday Dinner Crew)!  Janie Beth was showered with gifts on both sides and the Easter Bunny even spoiled her!

First, We started our Easter Weekend off at the community wide Easter Egg Hunt. JB loved it and favored the bouncy houses over hunting for eggs!

Then, Sunday morning we woke up to fun surprises from the Easter Bunny!

After we checked everything out that the Easter Bunny left we went to church!

Janie Beth's Sunday School Class

Lastly we ended our Easter festivities with a delicious lunch and a Easter Egg hunt at Lollie and Pop's!

He Is Risen

Janie Beth. 20 months.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Christmas {2016}

Well, how about a Christmas post in March? Man, time sure does go by way TOO fast! But, we had a great Christmas this year! JB was so much more aware of what was going on!

First things first, we made a visit to see Ho-Ho! She liked him from afar...

 Waiting in line to see HO-HO!


Dinner at Chappy's for the win!

Next, we had to celebrate Matthews' Christmas! Another fun night of talks, laughs, and good food!

I love these matching outfits. James 24 months, Cade 8 months, Janie beth 16 months

Matthews Clan 2016

Then, it was Christmas Eve time! We started the day with the Whorton clan (and for some reason I managed to get zero pictures :( Mom fail). Then, Janie Beth took a nice nap. Then, we went to church for the Candlelight Service (which, they didn't have nursery for and I was NOT prepared to keep her quiet and entertained for an hour, but she was actually very good for no entertainment)! Then to wrap it up we went to my parents house and opened presents!

Then, it was Christmas morning and Christmas day was spent with the Weldon's!