Friday, March 24, 2017

Christmas {2016}

Well, how about a Christmas post in March? Man, time sure does go by way TOO fast! But, we had a great Christmas this year! JB was so much more aware of what was going on!

First things first, we made a visit to see Ho-Ho! She liked him from afar...

 Waiting in line to see HO-HO!


Dinner at Chappy's for the win!

Next, we had to celebrate Matthews' Christmas! Another fun night of talks, laughs, and good food!

I love these matching outfits. James 24 months, Cade 8 months, Janie beth 16 months

Matthews Clan 2016

Then, it was Christmas Eve time! We started the day with the Whorton clan (and for some reason I managed to get zero pictures :( Mom fail). Then, Janie Beth took a nice nap. Then, we went to church for the Candlelight Service (which, they didn't have nursery for and I was NOT prepared to keep her quiet and entertained for an hour, but she was actually very good for no entertainment)! Then to wrap it up we went to my parents house and opened presents!

Then, it was Christmas morning and Christmas day was spent with the Weldon's!

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