Sweet Little B how are you 3 months old?! You are developing the sweetest personality EVER! You are so content wherever you are and I am so glad you are a go with the flow babe!! You are the happiest in my arms and my does it melt my heart! You will just sit and stare at me and smile and we are starting to get chuckles when we tickle you or make funny noises. I pray you keep being an awesome go with the flow chilled baby!
- You weigh around 13lbs!
- Eating 5/6oz every 3 hours! You take your last bottle at 6:45pm and then we lay you down in your crib (still swaddled) and we don't hear from you until around 6:45 the next morning! Once you figured out your nights from days there is no stopping you from sleeping!
- You are currently in size 1 diapers but after we finish this box I am buying size 2s!
- You are still wearing 3month clothing but you are getting to long for them :(
- You absolutely love sitting in your bumbo and jumperoo. Then when you get tired of holding your head up you love laying on you giraffe mat and activity mat!
- The flat spot on your head is driving me nuts so I try sitting you up as much as possible and tummy time only happens when you are elevated on my leg!
- You have recently found your voice and will babble and make the cutest noises!
- You brought home the stomach bug and man it went through our house like wild fire! But by Sunday we were all feeling so much better.
- You love watching the TV.
- You are starting to follow toys and us so much smoother and your hands have become your favorite toy!
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