Sunday, April 29, 2018

Bennett James {4 months}


I can just sit and stare at you all day and kiss those chubby soft cheeks! I am pretty sure you feel the same way about me! 

  • You weigh 14.8 pounds and 25 inches tall!
  • You wear size 2 diapers and 6 month clothes- I mean, REALLY,  slow down!
  • You are eating 6oz every 3 hours and you usually finish every bottle unless you are too distracted by your loud sister.
  • You still take your last bottle around 6:45 and your asleep by 7:15 and you are an awesome sleeper. We usually have to wake you up on Saturday and Sundays!
  • Lord have mercy you are a spitter!! You will burp and we have approximately 3 seconds to have a burp cloth ready to catch the massive amount of spit up!
  • You have become very active on your play mat. You are grabbing and shaking toys. Your absolute fave is watching yourself in a mirror! You will smile and babble all day at yourself!
  • You can roll from your tummy to your back but you have no desire to roll from your back to your tummy!
  • You LOVE your hands and sometimes choose them over your paci!
  • Bath time is your favorite part of the day and your sister has become very funny!
  • We finally dedicated you to the Lord and it was a great day!

We love you sweet B!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter {2018}

Janie Beth 2.5, Bennett 3m

Easter 2018 was amazing and filled with family visit and worshiping our risen Savior!

Janie Beth is at a such a fun age where she enjoys going and playing and takes it all in!! We have been practicing hiding and finding eggs for about 2 weeks before Easter weekend. Every chance she got she would hide eggs and we would have to find them and vise versa. It was starting to get a little annoying but she pretty much insisted! So when the time came she was a pro at every Easter egg hunt we attended! 

Our first Easter Egg Hunt was with our Sunday School class. We put together a glow in the dark egg hunt and that was pretty cool. The kids seem to enjoy it and it wasn't as much win/win for everyone!

Our next Easter shindig was with the Weldon's. Mallory, Hank, Henry, and Millie joined us for our community Easter Egg hunt in downtown and then we had a delicious lunch on the back porch of the new lake house! Henry and JB played so good together and it was fun watching them interact!

Easter Sunday we woke up and saw the exciting baskets the Easter Bunny left. Unfortunately I did not get any photos of that moment, I video taped it! JB loved it all and Bennett just watched :)
We rushed off to church to get some worship in and we took great pictures in front of the cross. Then, we headed to Lollie and Pop's house for a YUMMY Easter lunch and you guessed it....hide and hunt more eggs!