Sunday, April 29, 2018

Bennett James {4 months}


I can just sit and stare at you all day and kiss those chubby soft cheeks! I am pretty sure you feel the same way about me! 

  • You weigh 14.8 pounds and 25 inches tall!
  • You wear size 2 diapers and 6 month clothes- I mean, REALLY,  slow down!
  • You are eating 6oz every 3 hours and you usually finish every bottle unless you are too distracted by your loud sister.
  • You still take your last bottle around 6:45 and your asleep by 7:15 and you are an awesome sleeper. We usually have to wake you up on Saturday and Sundays!
  • Lord have mercy you are a spitter!! You will burp and we have approximately 3 seconds to have a burp cloth ready to catch the massive amount of spit up!
  • You have become very active on your play mat. You are grabbing and shaking toys. Your absolute fave is watching yourself in a mirror! You will smile and babble all day at yourself!
  • You can roll from your tummy to your back but you have no desire to roll from your back to your tummy!
  • You LOVE your hands and sometimes choose them over your paci!
  • Bath time is your favorite part of the day and your sister has become very funny!
  • We finally dedicated you to the Lord and it was a great day!

We love you sweet B!

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