Friday, June 29, 2018

Bennett James {6 months}

Bennett James Weldon- you may stop growing up now! These next few months are by far my favorite baby months! You are interacting and learning new things every day!!

  • You weigh 16 pounds and 26" tall!
  • Wearing 6/9 month clothes.
  • Wearing size FOUR diapers!! ( The last size diapers I bought for Janie Beth was a size 4, you chunky thing!)
  • We dropped the swaddle and you have become a side and tummy sleeper and still sleeping through the night!
  • You are finally sitting up pretty good! Every now and then I will come back to find you rolled over either on your back or tummy!
  • You have become curious about people and things. You will touch our face and its the cutest thing ever!
  • Still no teeth.
  • You are still a very chilled baby...unless your hungry! 
  • Eating 8oz every 4 hours and some food! (Your favorites are bananas, apples, carrots, and avocado!)

Health Update:
I have not blogged about your thumb journey. So, here we go! You were born with a large thumb. Actually, we are not sure if you were born with it or it developed after! Your daddy noticed it the second night we were home. At first we thought maybe you had a string or a piece of hair wrapped around it, but that wasn't it. I immediately called the nurse on call and she asked a bunch of questions and we both were ok with waiting until the morning to see Dr. Doles. Your thumb was the same color as the rest of your fingers, it was getting blood circulation, and you seemed to have feeling in it, so we all were stumped. Dr. Doles suggested waiting to see if maybe if would work itself out before jumping into something. Your thumb started to get bigger so Dr. Doles sent us to Dr. Hester (orthopedic surgeon) and he took an x-ray and we learned that the bone was ok and it was just a possible fatty tissue, tumor, cyst, or the worse, cancer. He referred us to Children's to get another look at it. We then saw Dr. Oaks (orthopedic doctor). She and some other doctors thought it was an incomplete constriction band. GREAT, we have an answer...wrong... she sent us to see a genetics specialist Dr. Korf to let him look at it. He didn't think it was an incomplete constriction band. He thinks it was a tiny cell that took a wrong turn when developing and now grows faster than its supposed to. He gave us a go ahead to go back to Dr. Hester to have it removed. We are now waiting on surgery which will be July 27th. 
Head Update:
Mommy guilt is BIG right now. We go back to Birmingham July 5th for a "flat head" appointment. You will be getting a helmet. I know you will still look ADORABLE but I can't help but beat myself up for allowing this to happen. 

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