Sunday, November 4, 2018

Bennett James {10 months}

Sweet Baby B. You are so dang cute, loved, and funny. Everyone who looks at you just falls in love with you....and then you smile and you melt their hearts! You my sweet B are going to be a heart breaker!

  • You weigh right at 21 pounds and I have no idea what your height is.
  • You are a CHUNK!
  • You still wear size 5 diapers and 9-12 month clothes.
  • Still eating 4 bottles a day- but they are really not your favorite.... Not too much longer and we will be DONE with all this.
  • Food is a hit or miss with you. Either you LOVE it or you refuse to eat anything. The only thing you eat pretty consistently is puffs.
  • You are still sleeping pretty good. You have been waking up early but if you find a paci you will give us another hour or so.
  • You have said "MAMA" and "bye bye". 
  • You will clap- on your terms.
  • We are teaching you high five and sometimes you will do it but most of the time you just laugh at us!
  • YOU ARE ON THE GO! You can crawl super fast...but you have officially taken steps! If you are standing you will walk first then fall and crawl the rest of the way! There is no doubt in a few weeks you will be full on walking!
  • Being outside is your favorite and you LOVE watching your daddy and sister play.
  • I believe I am your favorite person (not being biased )! If I am around you would much rather be in my arms than anywhere else!
Health Update:
  • We started your meds (blood pressure) to help shrink the mass in your thumb. So far we haven't seen a change....but praying for the best!
  • I started seeing a small regression with your flat you are wearing the helmet at night and on the weekends full time.
How you really feel about turning 10 months!

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