Sunday, July 28, 2019

Janie Beth {4 years}

Janie Elizabeth Weldon I can not believe you are F O U R years old. This time next year I will be mentally and physically prepping for you to start Kindergarten. But, for now I am focusing on you starting "big girl" school with mommy. I am so happy you are coming to EES with me! You are going to love it!
My sweet JB you are everything a little girl is supposed to be. You are sassy, bossy, you love pink and princesses, and dressing up. I am loving that you are getting older where you enjoy and remember doing things and going places. You are a second mommy to Bennett and it is cute but you can frustrate him. You love to do art and play with your babies. You are very peculiar and love to have all your stuff in their special places and it really messes you up when your friends come over and mess it up, but you don't show it but I can see it in your eyes.
You have found your love for water! You finally will jump in and swim without your puddle jumper! You LOVE to ride on Papa T's boat and shocked us all when you wanted to ride the tube and LOVED it. You love playing with friends and your cousins. Helping me around the house is another favorite of yours and I secretly love it because I know it won't last long. 
We love you so much JB and I pray for you daily! Keeping shining sweet girl! 

Janie Beth {K3 Graduation}

How on earth is K3 over? This year has been my far my favorite "daycare" age. You have learned SO much and you amaze us daily. You had THE best teachers this year and I am extremely thankful for them. 

You rocked your end of the year program and stole the show! You are not a stranger on the stage!

  • You can count to 30+
  • You can recognize all letters and say most sounds
  • You can write your name 
  • Recite several bible verses
  • You love to color, cut, and glue

Bennett James {18 months}

Bennett James Weldon boy do you have and own every piece of my heart! You are most definitely our sour patch kid! You can be the biggest head ache but then melt every ounce of me. Your smile is contagious, your laugh is adorable, and your chunky cheeks are so kissable. This age is hard, but fun. 
You love your sister and insist on doing EVERYTHING she does (even when you can't). You my son are fearless and give me and your daddy the biggest heart attack. You have already fallen off our bed and knocked yourself out, jump from the highest surface possible, keep goose eggs on your head, bruises are now part of you, and busted your lip quite a few times. I am quickly learning that boys are so different than girls.
You L O V E the water and riding on Papa T's boat. You will float around in the pool and lake and don't have a care in the world if anyone is out there with you. So cute, but again so nerve racking. As much as you L O V E the water your PASSION is tractors. You will push a tractor/truck/car around the house ALL day long and I just watch you. I love that you love vehicles (tractors especially). You will watch tractor videos on youtube (especially Blippi) and if you see a tractor you have to ride on it.  I already know what your 2nd birthday party theme will be.

  • You can blow and give the sweetest kisses.
  • I am your favorite person.
  • Can say several animal sounds.
  • Words you say on your own is hey, bye bye, mommy, daddy, JB, milk, ball, tractor, eat, and jump. But you will repeat anything we say.
  • You love to eat with a spoon and you LOVE to eat!
  • You know where your eyes, belly, and nose is.
  • You are so smart, but show us at your on pace and I am slowly accepting it.
Benny Boy keep being you. You know what you want and pretty much demand it. As hard as you are I am thankful for every part of you; the sour and the sweet. Some days are hard but when I get the hugs and cuddles and kisses from you it makes it all worth wild.

It's The Most Wonderful Time .... {Christmas 2018}

Christmas is always my favorite time, but with kids it is even better! 
We have so many fun traditions at Christmas that keeps us busy! Both kiddos hung in there with us and enjoyed all the family time and of course all the presents. 

First thing on the agenda: Visit Santa himself! No tears were shed and JB made sure to tell him everything she wanted!

And, we always end the night going to eat at Chappy's to get the free ice cream!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Tornado {2019}

On January 19, 2019 we knew we had some bad weather headed our way, but our weather people always hype up nasty weather so we normally just watch it but usually go about our day. On this particular Saturday I went to get a massage that morning while Ben kept the kiddos. When I got home we ate some lunch and then put the kids down for a nap. Around 2:50 our sirens started going off. Ben turned to the weather channel to see what was going on. About that time they announced that there way a tornado in town down Wetumpka. Immediately I started worrying about the historical down town and the many students in my classroom that lived there. Then several minutes later they said that First Baptist Wetumpka was destroyed along with First Presbyterian Church. My heart dropped, mainly because I was worried about Mrs. Cathy and Mr. Edwin and the fact that Janie Beth could have been there if it was during the week!
Praise be to God, no one was killed or seriously hurt. Mrs. Cathy and Mr. Edwin were safe along with everyone else that was in the path of this F-2 tornado. The only places that were seriously damaged was out church, the Presbyterian church, Prissy Hen, Fain Center, and the Police Station. 

Below are damages to our church.
The Impact Building

Impact Building and looking at the Presbyterian church

Mrs. Cathy and Mr. Edwin's Home

Parking Lot, bus shed (where JB would have been), and Playgroud

Impact Building

Bennett James {one year}

Happy First Birthday, Benny Boy! 

My how this year has had so many highs and lows. So many laughs and tears, but so many memories. You my sweet boy have given this mommy (and daddy heart) a run for our money! From the helmet to your fat thumb, with ear infections, and crazy skin issues, you have truly shown us how to be thankful! You are tough. You are strong. You are brave. You are the absolute best and I am so thankful the Lord blessed us to be your parents.
Your personalty is my favorite and I pray that you continue to be your awesome little self. You are quiet and observant. You will sit and play with a toy or puzzle for several minutes before moving on to something else. You will quietly watch your sister or daddy while your content sitting. Then, you have your loud side! When your sister isn't around you find your voice and let yourself be known. It is so cute listening to you babble and repeat us. 
You love to dance, clap, and copy your sister. You can wave bye bye, give high fives, and give the sloppiest kisses. The most popular words you can say are ma-ma, da-da, uh-oh, bye-bye, thank you, and when we say "where is Bennett" you will say "there he is" and that probably my favorite little word you say! 
I can't wait to see what the future holds for you! I know you are going to make things happen and I cannot wait to see it all unfold! We love you!! 

Flannel and Flapjacks

On December 15th we celebrated you turning one! It was such a fun morning and I really enjoyed your birthday party theme "Flannel and Flapjacks"! We encouraged your guest to wear flannel and we served the best breakfast spread! All your family came and celebrated you! 
 With your birthday the day after Christmas I hope we can always make your day feel special and separated from Christmas! Everyone's birthday should be about them and their special day! I love you sweet boy!