Saturday, February 2, 2019

Tornado {2019}

On January 19, 2019 we knew we had some bad weather headed our way, but our weather people always hype up nasty weather so we normally just watch it but usually go about our day. On this particular Saturday I went to get a massage that morning while Ben kept the kiddos. When I got home we ate some lunch and then put the kids down for a nap. Around 2:50 our sirens started going off. Ben turned to the weather channel to see what was going on. About that time they announced that there way a tornado in town down Wetumpka. Immediately I started worrying about the historical down town and the many students in my classroom that lived there. Then several minutes later they said that First Baptist Wetumpka was destroyed along with First Presbyterian Church. My heart dropped, mainly because I was worried about Mrs. Cathy and Mr. Edwin and the fact that Janie Beth could have been there if it was during the week!
Praise be to God, no one was killed or seriously hurt. Mrs. Cathy and Mr. Edwin were safe along with everyone else that was in the path of this F-2 tornado. The only places that were seriously damaged was out church, the Presbyterian church, Prissy Hen, Fain Center, and the Police Station. 

Below are damages to our church.
The Impact Building

Impact Building and looking at the Presbyterian church

Mrs. Cathy and Mr. Edwin's Home

Parking Lot, bus shed (where JB would have been), and Playgroud

Impact Building

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