Friday, April 10, 2015

Week 25 Bumpdate

How far along? 25 weeks!
Baby is the size of a: Turnip. 9 inches and 1.7lbs. 
Gender: Girl, girl, girl.
Total weight gain: Only 9lbs. My doc wants me to eat 300 more calories a day. He said by now I should have gained 10-12 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Not full blown maternity, but I know it's coming.
Stretch marks? Notta!
Symptoms: Growing, itchy belly and acid reflux after certain foods.
Sleep: Good as long as I have a pillow between my legs. It's a good night when I only get up once to potty!
Miss Anything: Margaritas!
Movement: She has a pretty constant dance party during the day but luckily at night she's pretty calm. 
Food cravings: Sweet tea!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Exercise: Only Zumba this week on Tuesday and Thursday. Ben and I didn't walk this week because of the weather and Wednesday was his birthday so we had dinner plans! 
Looking forward to:Honestly, it is a pretty quiet week coming up and I am looking forward to that. I love quiet weeks :)

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