Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 27 Bumpdate

How far along? 27 weeks! Last week in the second trimester! I can't believe it!!!
Baby is the size of an: The measurements have now changed from crown to rump to crown to feet. She is now the size of a cucumber. 15 inches long and 2.2lbs! 
Gender: Girl all the way!
Total weight gain: I weigh myself often and get dissappointed that I am still sitting around 127-129 lbs. That means I have only gained 8-9 lbs this whole pregnancy. My belly seems to be growing so that means she is growing, but I am anxious to talk to my doctor about everything. Luckily, we have an ultrasound May 4th to make sure Janie Beth is growing and gaining weight, unlike her mama!
Maternity clothes? They are the most comfortable right now! But I can still squeeze into tops and dresses that aren't. 
Stretch marks? So far so good!
Symptoms: I had a few Braxton Hicks contractions after my Zumba class on Tuesday. Belly is growing and aches!
Sleep: Janie Beth does not like for me to sleep on either of my sides. She kicks and punches and it hurts so I end up sleeping on an incline on my back. 
Miss Anything: Not this week. Just ready to enter into that third trimester!
Movement: When is she not moving?? She is a very active baby. I wonder if this what we have to look forward to once she is here!
Food cravings: Nothing too strong this week. I really don't have much of an appetite lately. Meat doesn't look or sound good and when I do eat it is only small portions. So I do better snacking rather than big meals.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just not really caring for meat.
Labor Signs: No way!
Exercise: Pretty slim this week. Sunday we walked the dogs and Tuesday I went to Zumba. Hopefully I will do better this week!
Looking forward to: This week being the last week in the second trimester! Bring on the home stretch! I also have my first shower on Sunday! VERY EXCITED!
Countdown until Janie Beth's Arrival: 89 days
Countdown until School is Out: 20 days!:) 

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