- You weigh 17.23 (20%) and 27 1/2 inches tall (50%).
- Still in size 2 diapers (but that will change on our next purchase) and in between 6 and 9 month clothes.
- You dropped a bottle this month. You are down to 4, 8oz bottles. Actually, you take 2 bottles, one in the morning and one at night, and your two bottles in between are sippy cups!
- You love food! It doesn't matter if it is puffs, yogurt melts, baby purees or table food. You devour anything!
- Still sleeping like a champ. You go down in between 7 and 7:30 and wake around the same time next morning.
- Your new favorite hobby: walking with your walker or along side any furniture and pulling up on ANYTHING. You are standing for a few seconds unassisted and every now and then you take a few wobbly steps without anyone helping you. It won't be too long now!
- We are working on waving bye bye!
- You have become a champ at clapping now! You do it all the time when you hear us obnoxiously say "YAYYYY!"
- You celebrated your first Easter!
- And, last but not least you scared us with a "black thing in your mouth!"
It turned out to be a scab from either a cut or burn! We were sent to a ENT to have it removed and THANK GOD that thing popped on out! *Mommy guilt*
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