Let's not pretend that you will be a YEAR next month!! Man you are so hard to snap pictures of you now that you are walking running everywhere! You are such a joy baby girl!
- I have no clue what you weigh or your height :( but you seem to be getting heavier and taller by the day!
- You are still in a size 3 diapers and 9-12m clothes!
- Still eating 4 bottles a day and some days I can't wait until you are done with the formula!
- You are starting to eat more table food at one sitting and I am thankful for that because I was worried about how much you would eat once you were off formula.
- You officially wave and SAY bye-bye. It is more like dye-dye, but still the cutest thing EVER.
- Every now and then you will surprise us and say mama and dada and it is directed towards us.
- You have learned to give kisses and they are open mouth wet kisses but the sweetest kisses ever.
- You have picked up a love for dancing. Any time you hear music or we start singing you will bounce up and down.
- I am not sure if this is a good thing or a sad thing but when a phone rings you immediately put your hand up to your ear like you are answering the phone.
- When I make your bottles you start shaking your hands and I blame that on me constantly singing "shake shake, shake shake, shake your bottle."
- My favorite new things you do are the animal noises you can say. You can say Moo and Woof Woof!
- You went to music class and LOVED it! Wish we could do it all year long!
- And, you FINALLY have your two top teeth cutting though!
Some of my favorite pictures!
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