Saturday, May 21, 2016

Janie Beth {10 months}

It is hard to believe that in two short months you will be one years old!!! This month you reached SEVERAL milestones and man are they some good ones! You have the most vibrant, independent, and strong willed personality (man, I wonder who you get that from)? We love you and love watching you learn all these new and important things!

  • You weigh roughly around 18 pounds and 28 inches tall. (My estimated guesses).
  • We graduated you up to size 3 diapers and you wear 6-9 month clothes and a few 9-12 month clothes. 
  • Still eating 4 bottles a day. (7-8 ounces)
  • You are still a very good eater! I haven't found anything YET that you don't like. But, your new favorite foods this month are Mac-n-Cheese and watermelon! You are a bottomless pit when eating those two things! 
  • Your new thing you do when we give you food or your bottle is to say "Mmmmm.." it is the cutest thing every!

  • So far so good in sleeping still! 12+ hours every night! :)
  • Your new and most favorite word to use is "uh-oh"! You say it all the time, even when it isn't necessary.

  • Your new tricks that we love are clucking your tongue, loving on us and stuff animals and likes for us to say "aw-we", you are becoming a pro at giving hi fives, and playing pee-pie with anything you can get your hands on!

  • Your new obsession is doors. It doesn't matter what kind of door as long as it opens and closes for you!
  • If someone looks at you and laughs you laugh back (heart melter)!
  • You battled a round of hands, foot, and mouth disease and you even passed it on to your daddy!
  • You took your first beach trip, which was a bust! (Check out Mother's Day post)!
  • You had your last day at calvary with your amazing teachers and friends!

  • The last milestone and my favorite: WALKING! It only took you a few weeks before you figured it out but now you stand up on your on and there is no stopping you!

Some of my favorite pictures:

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