Sunday, January 21, 2018

Janie Beth's Big Girl Room

How is my first baby old enough to be sleeping in a big girl bed!? It makes me so proud of her but so so so sad! I can't believe she is 2.5 years old, but yet she's still my baby! She is so mature and all of a sudden grew a whole year once Bennett was born!

JB is such a fun, happy, and stubborn little girl. She has such a kind heart for everyone and a sweet spirit! She has been such an awesome big sister and it just melts my heart.

We have said from the start of my pregnancy with Bennett that we weren't going to kick JB out of her crib until she was ready! We have been talking up a big girl bed and decided to set it up but keep the crib in her room and let her decide. The first night she chose to sleep in her crib after attempting to sleep in her bed, but she lost her lovie in it and that settled that decision for her. Then, the next day she napped in her bed and it was success and then that night she told us she wanted to sleep in her bed and she slept all night!! I was so excited for her because she was so proud! She has made this transition so easy!

So.... introducing JB's big girl room!

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